This last Christmas, David, Daniel, and I found a sale on Christmas cactuses at Lowe's. I think they were a dollar each, and we picked up a few. I've been giving my cactus a little water and plenty of sunlight and wondering if it would ever blossom (as they're rumored to do). It had been pretty quiet over most of the winter, but then this afternoon I noticed a huge blossom off the end of one arm.
I think it's kind of impressive that a cactus meant to mark the occasion of Jesus' birth is now marking the event of his resurrection. Happy Easter, everyone!
Very fitting indeed. There is such a thing as an Easter cactus, though.
Wow! Mine almost died. I think I took the wrong one.
How special...God's creation awakening on such a special day! Thank you for sharing that with us, Ben.
Psalm 96:11-12 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it. Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
We had something that looked like that in the kitchen, it was laying down in the planter, I decided to water it and now it is standing up again. Maybe it will flower too. Plants have to be tough to live here.
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