Now I know a lot of you have been wondering about my kitchen renovation (Dad!), so here are a few pictures of the cabinets, which now have stained doors. The drawers are close to being done, but I rushed a little on the staining and need to strip them back down (because the color didn't turn out right).

I also decided to put a window in my dining room, and over the last few evenings I framed out the space for it from the inside. As it turned out, most of this wall was rotten anyway (from old water damage), so I'm glad I was able to remove the damaged wood, which literally crumbled in my hands. I'll feel better about this wall when I replace the siding (hopefully in the spring), and can remove old sheathing and replace with something a little more solid.
But, for now, I'll have a window in this wall, which will really let some nice light in the dining room.

The unblemished wall (at least on the surface).

What lies beneath.

Supporting the ceiling joists so I can cut out the studs I want to remove.

And here, the studs I want to remove.

The wall, mid disassembly.

The header beam that will replace the studs I removed.

The header beam in place and sealed in vapor barrier (plastic).

Putting the drywall back up.

And, lastly, the wall is ready from the inside. Now I just need to cut out the sheathing and siding and install the window. Stay tuned: I might try it this weekend. I should figure out how to liveblog the event. (I think I need an intern.)
I'd like to take this opportunity to open the floor for discussion of rebuilding rotten walls. Has anyone in the audience recently opened and rebuilt a wall that was in needed of major repair? Anyone?
Yes Ben, you Steve and I tore up the back porch floor at Grandma Barnhart's house once and just kept tearing it apart until there was nothing left. I thought we would eventually get to good wood, but no, there was none. So we quit and let someone else figure out how to replace the rotting sill plate and floor joists. In hind sight, I think we could have done a better job than the person we left it up too. But I was just overwhelmed by the lack of anything solid to work with. Good luck. PS it all looks great!
Hmmm. Wall repair does seem like a familiar theme to me... That's right, I have a wall torn open right now and I seem to recall that it was in serious need of repair. I'll see if I can dig up some before and after photos here.
My stars, Ben, what a lot of work! It's looking very good, and I hope you're enjoying it. Though I know for certain why I didn't want Dad undertaking remodeling jobs, while you kids were coming along. Looking forward to seeing the final product.
I am TOO paying attention!
Ah-ha, Lisa! It worked!
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