I truly feel badly to not have acknowledged sooner the very nice camera you all gave me for my birthday. Poor thing sat in the box, nearby, waiting for me to get to know it and give it a try. David came to visit, one evening last week, and gently coaxed me into checking it out. It is very nice, and promises to relieve me of some of the frustration with my old camera. It has many nice features, is very user friendly, and takes the image I'm trying to capture. Yes!!! Though, I honestly haven't tried it out a great deal, but will be putting it to the test more now that David helped "break the ice." I understand there was a lot of effort, and communication, that went into the choice of this gift. "...and you'll be proud to know that hands on testing, many consumer reviews, and many many emails went into the purchase of this gift! (very Mom style)" I can only imagine the thread of e-mails between you kids! Thank you all, very much! I am grateful for the gift, but even more for the loving thought, time, and effort that went into the selection and purchase of it. Took a couple of pictures of a pretty tree nearby, with my new camera, to include with the post. Same tree and same time, just opposite sides.

Bravo!!! I'm very impressed with both the pictures and the breaking of the ice! :)
Glad your initial impressions of the camera are good. Though now that I think of it, you don't have particularly good luck with items that have the very best of consumer reviews. (toast anyone?)
Hopefully this camera proves to be a different experience.
I hope you weren't taking these tree pictures while driving....
I'm glad you like the camera Mom!
The pictures are beautiful, Mom. Thanks for sharing. (and thanks, David, for getting it out of the box.)
Maybe someday we'll print out the email correspondence and present you with the scroll of it. Although I'm not sure we'll be able to find a printer with that much ink. My favorite email (still) is Steve's: "Buy buy BUY! Buy them all! Whahahahahahaaa!" Pretty sure that was email number 57.
As a matter of fact, Little Lisa, that's my car in the background of the second picture, and it's in a parking lot:)
Trying to figure out if the "Whahahahahahaaa!" of email #57 is out of glee, or distress.
I guess only Steve can answer that question, Mom, but it felt dangerously close to a mental breakdown to me. See what your children will do for you? :)
OK, see how many emails can be generated from this birthday request. I want kitchen food sissors for my birthday. I wonder if anyone goes insane over this one.
Nice pictures, Mom. I'm glad to know you've initiated the new camera. Maybe you can show it to me sometime during my brief visiting hours (it's hard enough to get time on the computer here).
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