‘Twõn’t be long ere November 18th,
Notable date for McCann Clan,
When deep inner workings, mysterious and great,
Will bring forth, alas, a new girl “grand.”
However, should Tiny be running a bit late,
As is wanting in the Barnhart Tribe,
She’ll arrive no later than November 26th,
For that’s what the doctor’s prescribed.
Indeed, the new little one shall soon be born,
According to the Master’s plan,
So we pray for good health for both,
And safe arrival for baby McCann.
Post Script
We praise thee, oh Lord, for safe arrival,
Of dear baby Hazel McCann,
Long and laborious the hours,
Waiting for the miracle at hand.
When, alas, she appeared, but not breathing,
Limp and lifeless, she seemed,
You moved dear ones to fast action,
To resuscitate and help her to breathe.
How we thank you for answered prayer,
For your tender mercies, and mild,
And loving watch care and strength,
For precious mother and child.
impressive poetry as usual mother :)
Come on Baby McCann! Come out to play!
Oh she's playing alright, but she's not coming out! She's currently having a party in there...I can't decide if she's having fun, or deciding that she needs more room. Hopefully the latter, because then maybe she'll decide to join the rest of us.
Thanks for the poem and picture mom. :)
I think there need's to be another verse written for Hazel, now that she has "arrived".
Does anyone know if the rocking chair in this photo survived our collective childhoods? I'd love to see a photo of Hazel when she's a little older feeding her dolly in this chair.
Yes, indeed, the rocking chair lives on, as well as the little outfit Janell is wearing, in the picture. Don't know about the doll. Good idea, Steve!
Nice post script. Thanks Mom!
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