As you can see by this picture of my lone surviving apple tree, there are no apples on it now. There were 3 small, rather scruffy looking apples on it until recently. Apparently someone or animal decided they wanted them and took them.
I wasn't sure how we were going to celebrate, perhaps we could have made a quarter cup of cider or a few tablespoons of apple sauce or even a half slice of pie. Or perhaps David and I were simply going to each eat 1 and 1/2 apples to begin and end the festivities. But regardless the event has been canceled so you can make the appropriate notations on your calenders. Maybe next year...
That is one sad and lonely looking apple tree:(
I can't believe Applefest has been canceled! I was really looking forward to the "Who Can Eat 1 and 1/2 Apples the Fastest" contest. Ive been practicing all year!
Not only do I not see the apples, I almost don't see the tree!
Man, that's too bad. That's got to be the 15th or 16th Applefest canceled in a row. When will the organizers get their act together...
Well, at least Oak Leaf Fest will go on. I can't wait to see who can pin 500,000 oak leaves together on a string the fastest. Ooh, or the high dive off the garage into a pile of oak leaves! This year promises to be the best year yet for soggy oak leaves long into December.
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