On our recent travels (much longer than anticipated, much more stressful than usual, and much more emotionally draining than I ever imagined), Ella came into her own. Her personality, size, and abilities all grew by leaps and bounds (not quite literally, but close). Ella has determined that her favorite place in the car is not in her car seat (where she should be and does indeed spend most of her time) but in the driver's seat....where there are lots of buttons and knobs and a steering wheel to be entertained by. As evidence, I add this photo, taken just days ago, for your viewing pleasure. It appears that she takes quite naturally to this new role, though I hope that it doesn't really take off for another 16 years or so!

I thought I'd add this photo, just because she's so adorable! We'll put more photos on our photosite soon, but we had to clean off our camera cards at my parents' house so that we had space for the wedding photos that we had to do before heading home. So we'll be getting those photos (from our travels 'round the state) from my dad sometime soon, and then you'll get to see Ella's amazing growth over the past few weeks!
A few of the things she learned to do while away from home: crawl, swim, eat carrots, eat peas (doesn't like them very much), eat potatoes (loves them - definitely Mommy's daughter!), and open dresser drawers. I think she also grew about an inch (just bought her some new clothes in the size she was wearing when we left, and I don't think she'll get much use out of them! AHHHHHH!!!!!) and her personality shines much more. She's very interactive....and loves to watch all of the dogs that are nearby (Fletcher wasn't with us on our travels, so she had just a few random dogs to see). I don't think Fletcher was quite prepared for her mobility on our arrival home, but he seems to be adjusting well. She's only grabbed his leg a couple of times, and he's been very patient with her. Or maybe he's just moping because he doesn't get to chase squirrels all day long here at home like he did while we were gone.
tell ella she should probably look at the road when she's driving.
When I was young, kids car seats were designed by kids, not some nerdy safety twerp. The seats attached to the back of the front seat and sat nice and high so the kid could get a full view of the road, it had a steering wheel, horn, and lots of neat buttons to push. It was easy to crawl in and out of and lots of fun. Seat belts were for Indy car racers. Blast you Ralph Nader!
Did Fletcher teach her how to drive?
Is that a lake she's trying to drive the car into?
Did Janell teach her how to drive? (Fletcher may be a better option)
Hmmm...Andy failed to mention who holds the record for the most recent accident in the McCann household...oh, that's because it's Andy!!!
Very nice. What Ms. Janell failed to mention is who was ticketed in said accident. Let's see...NOT ME! That would be the other driver.
We won't rehash the memories of Janell's winter driving record this year. It's too painful.
What happened? Was Andy speeding around in that sporty little red car you guys own?
Actually yes, and then a semi got in his way so he just rammed right into him! He thought he could slip right under, but apparently the tiny little red car wasn't quite tiny enough.
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