Called the "Jumpin Janell Jamboree", the final fling of a weekend of celebration ended today in Muskegon. Event organizers said it was a sell out crowd, according to Michael
Partio, chairperson, "we had half of West Michigan at this event". However, still no presents have been located. Cleanup is expected to take days, so who knows what might be found under tables or accidently thrown away in the trash. "We will be looking for anything that remotely looks like a present" said Partio, "I'm sure at least one person remembered why they were here". "Oh well, if not, we will just throw a bigger party next year".
Indeed, what a celebration, and there was Janell's Mom, looking all over for her. Look closely; you'll see her in the center, toward the front, with a dark top on. She had known of all the parties, but that Janell couldn't attend until this final fling, so she was bound and determined to find her "Jooba" and celebrate her birthday with her, but alas, Janell's super competent co-worker could not report to work, Tuesday, plus, they took on two emergencies, at Dr. Holman's office, so Janell couldn't make it to her own party, and Mom searched in vain, and would not celebrate without the birthday girl.
No, she was looking for Lisa, she thought this was Lisa's Party. She was a little behind on her parties
Wow, I'm afraid this getting old thing is catching up with me already! I didn't even know I had a birthday! I had to go look at my birth certificate to verify that indeed I did deserve a birthday party. I can only send my deepest regrets and promise to attend next years jubilant celebration.
Does anybody really believe this innocent drivel? I for one think Janell spent her entire birthday glued to her front window, watching desperately for FedEx, UPS, and US Postal trucks coming down her street. And all the while shreiking "More! More! I want More Presents!"
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