David's graduation was celebrated in style Saturday afternoon by a visit to The Daily Grind, where a plate of fudgy, caramel brownies were quickly consumed by Ella (who appears deceptively calm in this "before brownies massacre" shot). The presence of David was requested at the party thrown in his honor, but he declined, saying that he would rather polish the brass on the Titanic than spend a moment reliving his past four years at Wheaties College.

And later in the evening (after the suger buzz from the brownies had worn off) Rachel's birthday was celebrated with the baking of the traditional cherry chip cake, frosted by a very untraditional cherry buttercream meringue frosting (which contains not one, but FOUR sticks of butter).
Happy Birthday, Rachel!
Are you kidding? Are there really 4 sticks of butter in the frosting? I love the look on your face, Rachel! "Half down, and only half to go! I know I can do it!" Hope you had a very nice birthday, yesterday.
By the way, MY little grandaughter wouldn't consume a plate of fudgy caramel brownies, and that's just the look of her natural sweet innocence. She might have made a bit of a mess out of one; a smudge here or there!
As for David, he couldn't possibly have joined you for his own party, as he reserved the evening to accompany his Mother to an evening of fun and frolic at the Frauenthal. I'm sure your party couldn't begin to compare with the follies and humor of the Hackley Visiting Nurse entertainers, and the Chenille Sisters. I'm just sorry you guys missed out on it!
Hey, I got stuck with staying home, washing the dishes, while I listened to the Tigers lose the first game of the world series. No fudge brownies, no 1 lb butter topped cake, no frolicing nurses. Where is the justice in life?
Poor thing!
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