Anything and everything Barnhart. If you're a Barnhart, know a Barnhart, knew a Barnhart, heard of a Barnhart, married a Barnhart, or smelt a Barnhart this is the place for you.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
New Ella Chair in Living

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
So relaxing
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
the local bison
Vicky came out and visited a week or so ago. As always, when she visits, I get to put on my tourist hat and go do rather touristy things around Chicago. I'm not actually sure if that's more f

For all you doubters out there, ever suspicious that I simply nabbed this award-winning photograph from the internet somewhere, I have other indisputable proof that I visited

Vicky and I also checked out some of Frank Lloyd Wright's stuff in the nearby town of Oak Park. We paid a whopping $6 each to walk around a church that he designed. I later decided that it would have been much cheaper to go to the chuch Sunday morning disguished as a parishioner. I could have even put a healthy $5 in the offering plate and still come out ahead. Anyway, it's a pretty small church and probably couldn't seat more than 100 people. It seemed cozy enough inside. Speaking of cozy, it actually had a couple fireplaces elsewhere in the building. Imagine, this was only built for $60,000. Calvary paid well over $3 million for their new building and I don't see anyone willing to fork over $6 to walk around the rotunda taking pictures.

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Mike Barnhart - "A Real Man of Genius..."

(This message is in no way endorsed or supported by the fine folks in Bud Light's marketing department.)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Photos, photos, and MORE PHOTOS!
Please, no disparaging remarks about my lack of organization and time-management. None of you has been mom to an infant - and most of you haven't even been parents. I welcome only encouraging and thankful comments, which may increase the number of photos that get uploaded of you with Ella (if I have them available).
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Laketon Soccer Going to the Dogs!
-Daniel Groundwalker, elite writer of Barnhart Central and associates
Here's an idea...

Does anyone else think David might need a new digital camera? Ah, and his graduation/birthday are just around the corner...any takers?
By the way, I'd like to clarify that the previous post attributed to my name was written by none other than the evil McAndy and does not in any way reflect my beliefs or perception of this blog. Please feel free to retaliate in any way you see fit. (providing it doesn't negatively affect me in any way of course). To the left you'll see documented proof that Andy is very mischevious and has been scheming from the time he was small. I call this the gray coat face.
The new moon (or the new camera, rather)
Anyway, I wanted to put this picture of the moon up so that everyone can compare it with the dismal failure of a picture that I took with my own camera a few weeks ago. One picture was taken with a 2-megapixel, 3x zoom camera. The other was taken with a 5-megapixel, 12x zoom camera. It's a game! See if you can guess which picture belongs to which camera!

Friday, April 14, 2006
Go Cart leaves Barnhart Motorsports

"Lies and broken promises!" That was the venom spewing from the Go Cart as it headed out of the Barnhart Motorsports complex last Saturday. "I'll be back to show you!" it screamed from the back of the pickup truck that carried it away. Thus ended the painful relationship between the Barnhart Motorsports team and the Go Cart. As late as one week ago the team was searching for the right engine and sprocket to put the Go Cart into running order, however, it became apparent when the team abruptly switched its efforts and financial backing from the Go Cart to the Mini Bike, that things had run amok in the long and slow efforts to make something of the Go Cart.
"We hated to see it end this way" stated Mike Barnhart, crew chief with Barnhart Motorsports, "We had every intention of getting that Cart up and running until just this week". "If we could have gotten more co-operation, we think things may have turned out very differently." "We just couldn't work with it anymore", said Barnhart. "When the opportunity to work with the Mini Bike came up, it was just too good to pass up". Barnhart explained that the next day after the Mini Bike was brought in, the Go Cart began to demand to be sold or traded to another team. "I just hope it can work out somewhere else, sometimes those things do, I wish it the best of luck" concluded Barnhart.
The Go Cart was contacted at it's new owners location, "I am really hurt and angry over this whole situation!" "I had been promised to be brought up to running order for years, then they bring in this sassy little mini bike frame and in one day have the sprocket mounted on the rear wheel and purchased a new engine!" "If they think I'm just going to sit here and rust away while they continue to lie to me and put me off, then they have another thing coming" "My hope is the new owners will see the potential in me that I know exists, and will get me up and running soon." "I am really hoping to meet that little prissy mini bike out on the trail some day and kick some dirt down it's intake!"
It's Time to Get a Little Bit Presidential
Here's what to do: Find the website http://presidentschallenge.org/index.aspx. Then logon (if you can remember your old username and password) or create a login. You will be able to log daily activity in exchange for points - no strings attached!!! Of course, it is your patriotic (and presidential) duty to join in this effort. Though you may now be overjoyed at the thought of earning points for taking out the garbage, I tell you the best is yet to come. That's because you will also want to register with the group 'not2fit' - a special BaCe exclusive. Once in the group, you can track your progress against others. See the canned message below for details.
Who knows, maybe we can have a monthly prize for the most active person. I have a head start, of course, since I began my active lifestyle yesterday. But we won't start keeping track and charging demerits until the first of May. David - I would like to suggest that baton twirling and unicycling will not be acceptable this time around.
The group name is 'not2fit'
The group ID number is '7293'
Your group member ID/Name will be your favorite arcade game or your favorite pizza topping.
[YOUR NAME] has started a group to take the President's Challenge together: [GROUP NAME]. And you're invited to be part of it!
WHAT IS IT? The President's Challenge is a series of programs designed to help improve anyone's activity level. Joining a group is a great way to make staying active easy.
To learn more about the President's Challenge, go to: http://www.presidentschallenge.org
WHY JOIN? Staying active with others can be a lot of fun. They'll help keep you motivated - even when you don't really feel like it. Groups are a great way to meet new people. There are even programs for people at different activity levels: the Active Lifestyle program aimed at beginners, and the Presidential Champions program for those who are already active.
Signing up for a group is simple. And there's no limit to how any you can belong to. You can join or leave at any time. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost just to participate!
1) Go to http://www.presidentschallenge.org/login/register_individual.aspx
2) Fill out the registration form. * Be sure to include the following info during registration *
Your Group ID Number: [GROUP NUMBER] Your Group Member Number: [MEMBER NUMBER] 3) After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal.
Good luck!
----------------------------------------------------------------- -- The President's Challenge -- http://www.presidentschallenge.org -----------------------------------------------------------------
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Let's hear it for the woodworker in all of us
You'll be looking for the Animated Furniture link. Just so nobody else claims it first, my favorite is "How to Build Furniture". Of course, for these prices I might be tempted to create some of my own. As a matter of fact, I think I've created some pieces that come pretty close to these unintentionaly.
And lets have a picture of that bookcase that I heard about, KenobiDan.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Here comes "the arch rival"
So, visitors to the Barnhart blog, heed my warning. All is not as it may seem...
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Welcome, and Don't Forget to Change Your Clocks (last week)
REMINDER: Don't forget to change your clocks last week, early Sunday morning. If you forgot to change your clocks, you may have experienced the following natural, but unnecessary, symptoms.
- People looked at you funny as you came into work all week and didn't bring a box of 'late apology' doughnuts.
- Your favorite local dairy decided to change its hours and open earlier, along with every other store in town. Suddenly, you have time for that breakfast cone on your way to work.
- That new high-tech clock on your wall malfunctioned and skipped ahead an hour, but you fixed it by changing the time zone.
- Your TV show is never on anymore - now you have to watch an infomercial.
Please take the extra effort to change your clocks now if you forgot last week. Please note the possible symptoms of clock-changing listed below.
- You feel like you have jet lag, but your work commute is only 20 minutes.
- You start talking like an Easterner even though you live in Minnesota/Illinois - clearly you are a Centralist
- You suddenly realize that you have a million tiny devices that keep track of time. Why does your Tamagotchi have to keep time anyway?
This has been a public service announcement. And now, for the welcome. I would like to welcome Steve to the Barnhart Central Blog. As the last Barnhart male to contribute (except for Andy the Arch-Rival blogger), he is especially welcome. I would encourage you all to send him your accolades (Please do not confuse this with Escalades. He does not want your Escalades). And now, I would like to offer a challenge. I challenge all the zeroeth Barnhart females to contribute. We all know you can write. We just want to know if you can handle such a large (and now public) audience. You've seen Mike rise to great literary heights, now lets see what your best has to offer.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Why is this mini bike happy?
Why is this go cart crying?
Why is Mike crying?
Why is this car smiling?
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunday, April 02, 2006
Look Lisa I'm really fixing it

Saturday, April 01, 2006
Bike Ride To The Lake