Hello fellow Barnharts. I have just returned from a long bike ride to and from the lake. At first I thought I would just ride my bike there and visit my friend Alex who lives on Scenic Drive. But, as it turns out when I called, he wasn't there. So, I decided I would just ride my bike to Pioneer Park and visit the lake, and take some pictures. Unfortunately, dad wouldn't let me go swimming. So, after pumping up the front tire on dad's bike, gathering my camera, filling up a waterbottle, strapping it onto the bike, and suiting up, I was ready to go. So, I went. I made my first stop at LJ's Pantry. I had a little break, then set off again. The next stop I made was at the lake. I spent about 15 minutes there and then set off again. Then I stopped at the Giles Road Baptist Church for another break. I also stopped to look at some ducks swimming in the water in the ditch on the side of the road. Then, when I got home, I hid behind a tree along the driveway and I prank called dad on his cell phone that I had taken with me, telling him I had a flat tire on Benjamin Road. Then I road up triumphantly and surprised dad. So, here are some of the pictures that I took:

Those pictures are interesting, but what I really would have liked to see is a picture of you "riding up the driveway triumphantly".
I don't know if I'm allowed to leave comments or not, since I'm not a Barnhart. Sounds cool. Today seemed like a good day for a ride, too bad I was stuck at work. See you tomorrow at church.
I thought I saw young David riding off on my bike yesterday, off for a great adventure. One that would surely involve bike chain failures and wolves. But, when I looked agian I realized it was Daniel. Simular adventure, with new technology, a digital camera instead of a 35 mm, a cell phone instead of a quarter for a pay phone. Same "I can handle this Dad, I'm grown up now" spirit.
Hey Daniel, great pictures. I can honestly say I never biked to the Lake by myself...kind of a shame since now it would require considerably more effort to accomplish that. : ) By the way, I liked all the little pit stops.
Why, thank you Janell. Although I would like to confirm that I infact did not stop at LJ's pantry to buy a Twinky and a Coke. In fact, I did not even go inside. All I brought with me for bodily consumption was a waterbottle with water inside it.
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