Saturday, April 08, 2006

Welcome, and Don't Forget to Change Your Clocks (last week)

This is a public service announcement. The public is hereby invited to Barnhart Central, or BaCe, for the purpose of a late reminder.

REMINDER: Don't forget to change your clocks last week, early Sunday morning. If you forgot to change your clocks, you may have experienced the following natural, but unnecessary, symptoms.
  • People looked at you funny as you came into work all week and didn't bring a box of 'late apology' doughnuts.
  • Your favorite local dairy decided to change its hours and open earlier, along with every other store in town. Suddenly, you have time for that breakfast cone on your way to work.
  • That new high-tech clock on your wall malfunctioned and skipped ahead an hour, but you fixed it by changing the time zone.
  • Your TV show is never on anymore - now you have to watch an infomercial.

Please take the extra effort to change your clocks now if you forgot last week. Please note the possible symptoms of clock-changing listed below.

  • You feel like you have jet lag, but your work commute is only 20 minutes.
  • You start talking like an Easterner even though you live in Minnesota/Illinois - clearly you are a Centralist
  • You suddenly realize that you have a million tiny devices that keep track of time. Why does your Tamagotchi have to keep time anyway?

This has been a public service announcement. And now, for the welcome. I would like to welcome Steve to the Barnhart Central Blog. As the last Barnhart male to contribute (except for Andy the Arch-Rival blogger), he is especially welcome. I would encourage you all to send him your accolades (Please do not confuse this with Escalades. He does not want your Escalades). And now, I would like to offer a challenge. I challenge all the zeroeth Barnhart females to contribute. We all know you can write. We just want to know if you can handle such a large (and now public) audience. You've seen Mike rise to great literary heights, now lets see what your best has to offer.


The Man said...

You have a Tamagotchi?

Mike said...

I'm staying on Pacific time. It just sounds like more fun.

Steve Barnhart said...

I would like to clarify that I certainly do not have a Tamagotchi. I'm just afraid I'd catch something from it so I stay away from them.